Prayer To Free Yourself From Evil Altars

Kingdom Grace Media
6 min readOct 9, 2023


What is an evil altar?

An evil altar is a place set aside by humans to worship the devil, gods, or ancestors.

An evil altar is a place where evil transactions take place. It is a place where many evil things like infirmities, curses, failures, etc., are projected into the lives of people. The altar is a place of sacrifice and contact with the spirit world. It is a place where invocations are activated. An altar serves to activate covenants. It serves the existing covenant. The evil altar is a place where agents of evil invoke the spirits, a place where they can communicate with the spiritual world. It is a place of conversation, dialogue, and communication with spiritual evil forces. In this designated place, a spiritual sacrifice(s) or covenant is made: the covenant is activated and reinforced, and vows are taken. It serves as a launching pad for spiritual attacks and as a place of fellowship for satanic purposes as well. These are places where wicked spiritual beings — demons and demonic agents — come to earth to strengthen themselves or get more powers through blood sacrifices offered there. Evil altars, which are ungodly altars and satanic altars, are meant to halt people’s progress, to steal, kill, and destroy. They are meant to shorten, divert, scatter, and stop their destiny.

An evil altar is a meeting place for the devil, demons, spirits of the dead, and evil spiritual beings. It can be a place, an attitude, or a moment in time where your thoughts and emotions are consciously directed towards gods other than the true and living God. As a demonized place, an evil altar makes it possible for families, nations, or individuals to submit totally to a higher power.

The evil altar represents a place of dedication to the evil world and its activities. You can do it consciously or unconsciously, by yourself or by others on your behalf without your knowledge.

Scriptural References


You are dealing with an enemy who was defeated by Jesus for us and on our behalf (Colossians 2:13–15). Fear not his threats and attacks. However, you should not ignore the devices he uses.

The devil may have legal ground and right over you to hold you as his captive or prey through what your ancestors did. But remember the scriptures promise that even the rightful captives held by the enemy will be released by God (Isaiah 49:24–26).

Purpose in your heart that through these prayers you are set free.

Don’t be so rigid that you miss the Holy Spirit’s leading. If the Holy Spirit leads or guides you to do something, do so with faith, boldness, and heart.

Have faith. Be bold. Fear not. (Isaiah 41:10; James 4:7 & 19:19)

Read those scriptures and study them. Meditate upon them until your faith shoots into the sky, then swing into action and praise God.

Start this prayer session by thanking God for all his blessings on your life (Psalm 116:12,17).

For three days, be persistent in your prayers. You may add fasting as you are led by God’s Holy Spirit.

Prayer Points

  1. Start this prayer with a session of deep praises and thanksgiving to God for all his goodness including your salvation (Psalm 103:1–5; & Ephesians 1:7).
  2. the blood of Jesus over yourself and all your endeavours and undertakings (Revelation 11:12).
  3. I resist, I cast out any attacking forces of the enemy and their attacks against me and what concerns me in Jesus’ Name (Luke 19:18 & James 4:7–8)
  4. Oh God, arise and let all your enemies who are fighting with your altar in me scatter (Psalm 68:1).
  5. Oh God, arise and let all your enemies scatter (Psalm 68:1).
  6. Every evil altar that was built by my ancestors and is holding me back, limiting me and causing me to suffer, I will break you in Jesus’ Name. I paralyze you now in Jesus’ Name (Hebrews 7:9).
  7. What has been planted in my life through this evil altar, Father God, uproot it by its roots in Jesus’ Name! (Matthew 15:13).
  8. Evil covenants that were made on my behalf without my knowledge I break them now by the blood of Jesus in Jesus’ Name. (Zachariah 9:11–12).
  9. Every demon watching over and maintaining the seal of this covenant, I cast you out now in Jesus’ Name.
  10. You evil seal, I break you now by the blood of Jesus. I paralyze your power now. I declare that you cannot hold me captive again in Jesus’ Name.
  11. I arise against every evil entity that was assigned to any evil altar raised against me, catch fire now in Jesus’ Name.
  12. Every strongman on any evil altar that has fought to hold me captive should fall to the ground and turn to ashes in Jesus’ Name.
  13. I close every open heaven over me that was open in the spiritual demonic realm for raising and associating on an evil altar. It is in Jesus’ Name that I declare that the evil heaven that has opened up is going to close up now.
  14. I declare I am disconnecting every link, every connection, every ladder linking and connecting me to the realm of Satan right now in Jesus’ Name. I cut those links and connections from today henceforth and forever in Jesus’ Name.
  15. Every demonic force, being and power that has manifested in my life because of the evil altar I built, the evil altar was built on my behalf and the evil altar I connected and associated myself with, I cast you out now in Jesus’ Name. I paralyze your power now. I expel you from my life and all my endeavours and undertakings in Jesus’ Name. From today henceforth, I am cleansed, sanctified and washed in the blood of Jesus Christ.
  16. (Psalm 144:5)!
  17. Cast forth your lightening and scatter all evil spiritual beings working against me on this evil altar (Psalm 144:6).
  18. (Psalm 144:6).
  19. (Psalm 144:7–8).
  20. Oh God, grant not the evil spirit’s desires from these evil altars and their wicked devices now (Psalm 140:8)!
  21. May the mischief of those around me be forever covered by the mischief of their own lips (Psalm 140:9)!
  22. All the evil altars, their spiritual beings, the priests, and covenants; let burning coals fall upon them: let them be cast into the fire; into deep pits, that they rise not up again in Jesus’ Name (Psalm 140:10).
  23. cries out for me. I silence you by the blood of Jesus once and for all in Jesus’ Name.
  24. Jesus has delivered me from curses, therefore any curses from evil altars and their covenant have no power over me from today henceforth in Jesus’ Name (Galatians 3:13).
  25. I am now free. Therefore, what these evil altars have been limiting me from, I access them now in Jesus’ Name.
  26. My blessings that were held back on these evil altars I claim back, and I receive them in Jesus’ Name.
  27. What the devil stole from me, he is restoring sevenfold and giving all the things of his house now for compensation in Jesus’ Name (Proverbs 6:30–31).
  28. Thank you for restoring all my years lost by serving on these evil altars now in Jesus’ Name. (Joel 2:25).
  29. I am bought by the blood of Jesus; therefore, I am not a slave to anybody, any power and any altars in Jesus’ Name (1 Corinthians 6:20; 7:23; Acts 20:28 & Galatians 5:1).
  30. (Job 22:28 & Numbers 14:28).
  31. Thank you, Lord, for in Jesus, I have redemption (Colossians 1:14; Ephesians 1:7).

End this prayer session with thanksgiving and praise. Remember to crown your prayers and declarations with an offering to God. (Isaiah 58:6–7).

By Gilbert Magomere Ayieko



Kingdom Grace Media
Kingdom Grace Media

Written by Kingdom Grace Media

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