The Power of Conception

Kingdom Grace Media
3 min readAug 5, 2022

The Hebrew word yetser (yeser in some concordances) is translated as “imagination,” which also means “conception.” When a couple wants to have a baby, they can’t just pray for one. A baby has to be conceived through a physical relationship. Babies don’t come via a stork. A seed must be sown in the woman’s womb. Your imagination is your spiritual womb. It’s where you conceive God’s miracle-working power.

No imagination means no conception.

If you can’t conceive it — get it into your imagination — it won’t come to pass.

In the spiritual realm, miracles don’t come by being desperate or just having a need. If you conceive a miracle, you will give birth to it. Yet, most Christians are waiting for the stork to bring them their miracle. If you want to see something on the outside, it has to first be conceived in your imagination.

In other words, you have to see it on the inside before it gets birthed on the outside. That’s how God flows through you. You must glorify God and recognize what He has done in your life. You need to be thankful and magnify God above your circumstances. You have to take control and begin to conceive the purposes of God in your imagination. You need to let the plan that God has for you take root in your heart, see yourself fulfill it, and then watch as it comes to pass.

Your imagination is powerful.

If you understood this and began to consciously cooperate with how it works by spending time in the Word and letting it paint an image on the inside of you, you would be able to see God’s plans on the inside. You would become spiritually pregnant, and it would just be a matter of time until you give birth. It will happen!

Conceive The Word Of God

You have to meditate on the Word of God until you conceive something. You can’t throw out a prayer like, “O God, heal me,” or “Supply this need,” and never conceive what you are asking for from the Word. You have to have a relationship with God by spending time studying and meditating on His Word. If you have interaction with the Word of God, it will become alive and real to you. Then once you conceive it in your imagination, you will receive it.

Very few people will do this because it would interfere with their television schedules. So they just pray, beg, plead, and fast one week out of the month instead of living every day in the presence of God. That’s not the way it works. You have to conceive what the Word says.

If you have a need, go to the Word. Find the answer to your need. Take those scriptures and meditate on them. The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:23 that you are “born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” The Word is a seed. Plant that seed in your spiritual womb — your imagination — until you can see it germinate. It will only be a matter of time until you see the birth!

Prayer and Meditation.

Thank you, father, help me to change the image I have of you inside of me so that I may experience more of you in Jesus's name. Amen.

By Gilbert Magomere Ayieko

